Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Potential Within

My kids are totally in to Japanese Anime and I must admit that I'm hooked too. I found this really good series named Shugo Chara about the potential within or your "would-be" self. You really should watch it from the beginning, but I found these episodes particularly educational. I'm not going to point out where and what the messages are that I got from it. Hopefully they will be self-evident. There's three parts to each episode, so be sure to click on the correct part and watch the whole episode. It will look like: Episode 11 1/3, 2/3, and so on. Enjoy!

Episode 11

Episode 14

Episode 15

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Have I told you how much I love Google? I love Google! One of the things I have from Google is iGoogle. It's awesome. On this awesome page is a widget called "The How To of the Day". It links to a site called wikiHow. On this site I found this morsel that I thought I'd share:

Create an Abundance Mentality - wikiHow

Let me know if the link doesn't work. This is an awesome site that you could get lost in for hours, so remember, everything in moderation!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Joys of Opposition

I had to change the format to be able to accomodate the cat pictures but I don't really like it. Unfortunately, it's the only one I've seen so far that doesn't have some sort of sidebar. Maybe I can shrink the pictures. Don't be surprised if the format and things keep changing for a while until I find one I like. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.

Oh Beautiful, Wonderful, Glorious Day!!! What a Joy it is to be alive on such an occasion!!! There is nothing more Life Affirming and Peaceful!!! Such Power, such Simplicity!!! How Rejuvinating and Calming!!! What a visual and auditory Delight!!!

It's Raining.

Calm, gentle, ephemeral, and fleeting. Not lasting long enough, but Joyous to behold!

I live in the Desert, you see. Water is life. The sun is harsh and dessicating. Rain is the shade and the release of a stress that you didn't know you had because you're so used to the oppressive (albeit, life-sustaining in it's own right) sun. To those if you who might be reading this from Seattle or some other high rain area, you may not appreciate my excitement about rain. However, I feel it might be safe to say that my feelings about rain are the same ones that you feel about the sun!! To you, sun is a rare and fleeting occasion and you would enjoy it as much as I do the rain! Unless you hate the sun at all times. In that case you would also be like me in the fact that most people where I live would curse rainy days because they love the sun at all times. I, however, go against the grain and bless rainy days, despite the fact that no one here knows how to drive when the roads get wet. Wear your seatbelts.

The rain has stopped and the sun is coming out as I shout, "BOOO!!". My twist to the childrens chant of "Rain, rain, go away; come again another day!" is "Sun, sun, go away; don't come back another day!". There is another blessing of the union of sun and rain....


Have a Glorious Day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Before the Halloween post, I ended with talking about tsunamis. So now I'll explain. Mostly because I really need to catch up on the last 5 days and don't want to. So I'll do something easy to ease back into blogging.

I got all of the following information from a site called It's a site for teenage girls and it has some interesting things on it. Anyway, all the credit goes to and I hope I don't get in trouble.

WATER is the universal symbol for EMOTIONS in dreams. Therefore, you must pay close attention to how the water is behaving!
A dream of drinking cold water is a sign of good luck.
Throwing or spilling water on anyone indicates a need to control your temper.
Hot water foretells a season of social setbacks.
Hearing or seeing running water predicts lasting happiness.
Rising water indicates rising emotions.
A waterfall in your dream forecasts a happy rise in social status.
Turbulent, choppy waters, in which a dreamer fears being swamped or drowning, symbolizes that you are being overwhelmed emotionally.
Tidal waves may symbolize specific threats that loom in the distance.
Being caught in a swift moving current suggests being swept up in your emotions.
Cloudy water suggests lack of emotional clarity.
Gently flowing water promises contentment and peace of mind.
Clean, clear water suggests good sense and emotional clarity.
If you dream that you are able to breathe underwater, you are open to unconscious feelings and psychic awareness.
If you dream of having the power to control water, this symbolizes your spiritual and intellectual growth. You are not using your full potential - you have considerable energy and mental abilities, and you need to start using them to put your thoughts into action. Controlling water in a dream may also indicate a need to control your temper better.
To dream of walking on water means that you have supreme control over your emotions. It may suggest that you should keep your emotions contained, so they don't explode. This dream can also symbolize faith in yourself. has a lot of other definitions for water, but I didn't feel like copying them all.

Therefore, my dreams of tsunamis symbolized rising emotions, a specific threat that looms in the distance, and being swept up in my emotions. A day or so later, I totally blew up at my son for being who he is (he has Aspergers Disorder) and just having a huge blowout in general. It was bad. Children were crying, I was screaming, Grandmother was trying to soothe. Bad. And that's all I have to say about that.

Maybe there's something to dreams after all (don't tell my husband!!).
